Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflective Fieldnote Blog Entry #5

What are your overall impressions of implementation?
For the younger students, I believe it would take a lot of practice for learning and implementing the roles. I did not use the roles for my groups, instead we completed the graphic organizers and reflective journals.

How did students react to the literature?
The students enjoyed the literature because we incorporated several activities in the classroom as well as the literature circle activities.

How did students react to discussing the selected texts?
The students were engaged in the activities. They participated in completing the graphic organizers. They were involved in the discussion and shared their drawings or writings from their reflective journals. We already do journals each day so this was an easy process for them just a little different procedure.

How appropriate is the Literature Circle Technique for second language learners?
As I stated previously, I did not use the roles which were outlined in the procedures for literature circles. I found it difficult for my students, but over time I think the students would adapt and participate in the roles.

What changes would you make if you were to repeat this?
Well, the activities and lessons went well, but with ELL students it's always about modifications.

What suggestions do you have for other ESL professionals considering implementing literature circles.
Remember, it's about modifications and providing the students with the language experience. It