Sunday, September 13, 2009


What was the purpose of the lesson?

The purpose of the lesson was to introduce ELL students to letters and sounds.

How was the lesson structured?

The lesson was structured as whole group. The students watched and interacted with a Cd by Dr. Jean which provides students with the letter and the sound it makes with a movement. The students then watched the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom on DVD which allows the students to follow the text and sing along. The students then participated in an activity which involved using the repetitive text of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to complete an activity recognizing names. On chart paper was the text Chicka Chicka Boom Boom with there be enough room? Here comes ______________ up the coconut tree. Both printed names and pictures were used to assist students who were unable to recognize name in print.

How did the second language learners react and interact?

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is always a winner with the students as well as Dr. Jean's Cds. The students were up and moving for the cd and all the students participated in the reading of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. After the DVD finished the students all wanted to see and hear it again. The students did a great job recognizing their names as well as their classmates. After the last student, we had all their pictures fall off the coconut tree just like the letters do in the story. They were all laughing and trying to pick up the pictures and name cards.


What evidence of "community" in terms of the second language learners did you observe?

Though school has only been in a few weeks, this class is doing great on accepting each other and learning from one another. The students attempt to communicate with one another even though they may not speak the same language. They are always willing to help their classmates. When we were doing the activity with the names the students would help each other and they were all involved in saying the name of the student as well as pointing them out. When watching the students participate in the activities, their race, gender, cultural background, or socioeconomic status was not relevant. Though we are all different we are all the same in this classroom. We are here to learn and accept our differences.

What is required to become a member of this classroom or learning environment - consider language, literacy, content instruction, materials, etc.?

I struggled with answering this question. This classroom involves a lot of movement, singing, visuals, and hands-on activities. For many in this classroom, this is their first experience with school or being away from their family. Students in this classroom need to feel safe, loved and accepted. Students in this classroom are made to feel they are accepted no matter what language they speak or cultural beliefs. They are greeted in the morning with a smile and a good morning, and we end the day with a discussion of what we learned today and a hug.

Ethnographic Perspective

What events occurred during observation - formal and informal interactions?
During the observation,the students were actively involved in the learning. They were very enthusiastic and motivated to learn. At times, some students were involved in conversations with another student but it did involve the lesson being taught. I guess you could saying they were being 5 year olds having fun and being silly with their friends.
What can an observer see if he/she entered the classroom at this particular time?
Upon entering the classroom, an observer would see students being actively engaged in learning. They would see lots of talking, singing, movement, and interaction with the teacher and other students. They would see students smiling and having fun while they were learning.
What evidence of "acceptance and welcome" would a second language learner see?
I believe if someone walked into this classroom they would see evidence of acceptance by the smiles on the students faces as well as the teacher. They would see students who are very enthusiastic about the learning and the teacher seeking for all to be involved, accepted, and welcome even visitors to the classroom.


  1. I love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! The lesson you described is an excellent example of incorporating various learning styles into a lesson and the affective filter is low in such a fun activity.

  2. I also LOVE the book and actually used it when it first was published (teaching first grade). Interesting observation - sounds like a great classroom!
